Monday, 25 June 2012

Obnoxious Guys That Shout Obnoxious Things.

I think I speak for all of my fellow females when I ask...

Why oh why do guys think it's cool to shout out "Show us yer knockers!" or "Get yer *ahem... lady parts* out fur da lads!!!!"?


Do they honestly expect us to be like "Why of course kind stranger, let me just whip my top off for you without a moment of hesitation!"

I genuinely do want to know they expect the outcome to be... are they really that deluded with illusions of their own grandeur that they expect women to respond in any other way than confusion? WHAT MAKES THEM THINK WE WILL OBLIGE?!

Also... there's never actually enough time to do as they say. Not saying I ever would do it obviously, I'm just saying. Even if I was prepared to flash my... well... whatever gender specific body part they requested, the time it would take me to take my top off/pull down my trousers and pantaloons, they'd have long sped off in their old beaten up car.

Stop it. It's not big and it's not cool.

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