Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Guys That Call Girls "Baby".

Ah, how romantic. I just love being referred to as something which is bald, chubby, dribbly, has no control over it's bowels/bladder and is completely dependant on others to survive.

Aw. <3

People That Need To Learn More Gooder English.

If you are above the age of 5, then this level of grammar is simply unacceptable. Constant mistakes I see all over the internet and sometimes even at school are:

Apostrophe Mistakes, such as...
  • You're/your
  • We're/were 
  • I'll/ill
  • Hollys(plural)/Holly's(belonging)
Heterograph Mistakes, such as...
  • Allowed/ aloud
  • Too/ to
  • Write/right
And mostly just really stupid mistakes, such as trulley (truly), pacific (specific), yous (made up plural of "you") and a varitey of others.

Ok I apologise, this post wasn't very funny. I guess that's the beauty of this blog, it's angry, funny, and educational. ooh yeah.

Monday, 26 March 2012

Websites That Are Blocked For Absolutely NO Reason.

I'm talking about the fact that in school, my blogs have been blocked under the catagory of Swimsuit/Lingerie/Models (Global).


Seriously, WHAT?

Sure, if my blog was blocked on grounds of profanity or something similar, I'd wear it as a badge of hilarious honour, but the fact that it's swimsuit/lingerie/models (GLOBAL, not just British. Oh no, on my blog which is apparently filled with naughty underwear models, I have hotties from all over the world.) is just ridiculous...

Albeit mildly entertaining.

Saturday, 24 March 2012


Actually, I have nothing against the month itself. I just get annoyed with how it's spelt.

February. FebRuary. Who on God's Earth actually pronounces that first R? I know I don't. (Actually I know a lot of people do, but this is my blog, not their's.)

I'm pretty sure it's only recently gained the first R. Surely I can't have gone through my whole life spelling it "Febuary"?

PpLE WhO wR1t3 LyK dISS!!?!?!11

For those of you who CAN'T read that (And I'm guessing that's the vast majority of you, which is why it's on my blog), it says "People Who Write Like This".

Seriously, why? It takes twice as long to write, AND to read. Plus it makes you look stupid.

Da 0nLEE TyMe u $HoUlD wR1t3 Lyk Di$ iS iF uR t@kiN' dA m1cK!!?1?11 oK bBe?! <3 xoXoxOXxox <3 <3 OXxo

Are we clear? Good.

Wednesday, 21 March 2012


A few days ago I fell up a set, and it has now rendered me a limping limpy person.
This makes me angry for 2 reasons...

1. It hurts. A lot. And believe me, everyone knows. When I'm in pain, a dark cloud of profanity shall follow.
2. I now have a bit of a "swagger". I can't walk properly on my right foot, which means I have a smashing limp. IT. LOOKS. TERRIBLE. I can't fathom why anyone would deliberately walk like this.


Escalators all the way I say.

From Belligerent Beginnings...


I decided there were so many things in the world that annoyed me, and I had so many amusing thoughts to share about them, I simply had to do something about it. So here it is, my blog on insignificant things that irriate me.

Join me, and feel free to get angry at the same time.